
We're Hiring

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Open Positions (8)

Software Developer(3)

- Python

- JavaScript

- C#

- Other Tasks

Data Labeler (4)

- Computer Skilled

- Experience using softwares

- Quick Learner

Software Support Engineer (1)

- Coding Experienced

- Excellent Communication Skills

- English Proficient

- Communiation with Global Audience



  • - Writing tools for web, chrome, firefox, desktop
  • - You will spend your moments writing & testing
  • a) JavaScript, Python, c#
  • b) Python
  • c) c#
  • d) etc
  • - Improving Existing codebase
  • - Other tasks

Data Labeler

  • - Prepare Data within software UI
  • - Label Data(images/texts/documents/others)
  • - Training Prepared Data
  • - Use internal tools
  • - Basic Console experience
  • - Other tasks

Customer Support Engineer

  • - API support, coding help
  • - Quick Learner
  • - Able to use Google and AI code assistants
  • - Highly Professional with customers
  • - Writing in english chat and code support
  • - Understanding Customer Problems
  • - Being a problem solver
  • - Other tasks

⚠️ Application Requirements

  • - Mention Post you're applying for on Subject
  • - Previous work & Academic Experience
  • - Portfolio Information
  • - Other relevant Information
Sounds Interesting?
Apply Now!

Apply via Email:- jobs (@) yupcha.com